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Landowner’s Rights

Some points to consider if the pipeline might potentially cross your property:

  • The pipeline easements will severely limit the future use of my land. I am concerned that I won’t be able to till or plant on the easement. I am also concerned that I cannot build or even plant trees on the easement.
  • I am concerned that the pipeline will decrease my property value. It could affect my mortgage and my ability to borrow. It could also complicate my property insurance.
  • I am concerned that the pipeline could pollute the water that I use for my home or my farm.  The groundwater stored in Floyd County’s rock is susceptible to risk in both quality and quantity; 95% of Floyd County residents get their water from a well or a spring and not from public facilities.
  • I am frustrated that pipeline employees could be entering my property for decades to come.
  • I am a farmer and I am concerned that no heavy equipment can cross the easements without a special crossing being built. I am not even sure how to negotiate for such a crossing or what it would entail. I worry that it will affect my livelihood and that if I hire anyone to help me with farm work they might not take proper precautions, putting my property at greater risk for ruptures, leaks—even dangerous explosions.
  • The pipeline will hurt the rural character of Floyd County. The route itself will cause the loss of at least six acres of farmland or forest per mile. The pipeline could also prompt other industrial development which would consume more farmland and forests.
  • I am worried about the hazards that the pipeline poses for Floyd County, like explosions from leaks that could cause injuries and loss of life as well as extensive property damage.
  • I am concerned that EQT/Next Era will put another pipeline in the easement or even expand the easement in the future.
  • I am worried that EQT/Next Era will put a compressor station on my land or in my community. Compressor stations involve a huge amount of noise and could run 24 hours a day.
  • I’ve heard that EQT/Next Era will locate a compressor station every 40-­‐‑60 miles, so it seems likely that there could be one in Floyd County.

Additional Points

  • The pipeline would harm our springs, streams and rivers and could pollute our water supplies. The pipeline could cross dozens of waterways in the county, including the headwaters of the Roanoke, Dan and New Rivers. Floyd County’s
  • I am concerned that the pipeline will harm rare habitats and endangered species. Floyd County is home to 46 species which are ranked “Extremely Rare” or “Very Rare,” including one listed as “Endangered”, two listed as “Threatened” and two which merit ”Special Concern.”
  • The pipeline will degrade our community without providing new jobs or without reducing our power bills. I’ve heard that EQT/Next Era will bring in their own professionals to build the pipeline, and the gas will be sent to transport stations in North Carolina. I also understand that there will be no additional revenue for the local government.
  • The pipeline would harm our springs, streams and rivers and could pollute our water supplies. The pipeline could cross dozens of waterways in the county, including the headwaters of the Roanoke, Dan and New Rivers. Floyd County’s

Prepared by Preserve Floyd: Citizens Preserving Floyd County

These links are provided for interested citizens to gain a general understanding of some of the terminology, processes and histories of other localities confronting gas pipelines in their communities. See also the front page sidebar.

▶ Know your rights Landower’s Handbook   When a Landman Shows Up And Wants an Easement/Right of Way To Put a Pipeline Across Your Land. pdf

Instructions for  writing to the Floyd Press, Roanoke Times, Washington Post: Make Your Voice Heard

▶ The first word came on Channel 7 on July 8. Large gas pipeline projects come to Southern VA

▶ The Nature Conservancy offers information on Natural Gas Pipelines as part of  Pennsylvania Energy Impacts Assessment. pdf

▶ Building Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Primer

▶  Natural gas Easement and Right-of-way Agreements: A Landowners List of Terms to Negotiate

▶ List of pipeline accidents – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

▶ Pipeline Safety Tracker – ProPublica  ▶ Factoids: if the rough mapping of the proposed path across Floyd County holds, it will be some 18-20 miles long and the right of way up to 200 feet wide. A 42 inch pipeline as proposed for this project carries up to 3.25 billion cubic feet a day. More pump compression stations are required for a pipe of this size. You don’t want a compression station in your backyard. [Fred First from various sources and calculations.]

▶ Natural gas mega-pipeline plan has Michigan residents bracing for disruption which states “It’s consistent with the growing trend nationally that puts more and more risk in people’s backyards for the movement of fossil fuels,” said Josh Mogerman, a spokesman for the Natural Resources Defense Council.

▶ The Charleston Gazette | Group plans meetings to discuss proposed Pocahontas County natural-gas pipelines which gives the ultimate destination the Dominion pipeline as Lumberton, NC. The Floyd Pipeline (the Mountain Valley project) is proposed jointly by EQT and NextERA Energy. The south is going to look like a spiderweb if the planners have their way.

▶ Drafting Local Laws and Resolutions | No Fracked Gas In Mass! 

Pipeline issues

Here is a copy of the first slideshow for CPFC:   CPFC Pipeline Info from Bill Kovarik


When To Say No

WHEN TO SAY NO AUGUST 18, 2014 By Fred First I’m sorry to focus so often lately on the intended assault on Floyd and other adjacent counties by the planned interstate 42 inch natural (fracked) gas pipeline that will stretch more than 300 miles from West Virginia to the North Carolina border of Virginia. I will let the … Continue reading When To Say No


