We will be holding a landowner’s meeting this coming Thursday, October 9th at the Floyd Country Store at 6 PM. Please enter through the side door to the left of the store. The meeting will be upstairs.
This meeting is open to any and all affected landowners along the proposed route for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and is intended specifically for those who have received letters from EQT/Coates or who’ve gotten a call from them identifying them as potentially affected by the Mountain Valley Pipeline project. We welcome affected landowners from surrounding counties to join us in Floyd if they wish.
We are hoping to set up a network of landowners to better pinpoint
the route, establish needs specific to landowners, and ensure that everyone receives information to help them deal with this issue. The route has moved so there is likely a new group of landowners.
This will also help us to prepare for the town hall meeting on October 14 at 7 PM at Floyd County High School auditorium. There will be a public presentation by Joe Waldo of Waldo & Lyle, eminent domain attorneys. This is open to all and will consist of a 45 minute presentation followed by Q&A.
The Board of Supervisors will meet with EQT on Oct. 28 at 7 PM at the Floyd County High School for the public part of the supervisors’ meeting. No public questions will be allowed, so contact your supervisor to pass on your concerns and questions. Only those on the board will be able to ask questions. There is a public comment period at the beginning of the meeting and we encourage all of you to prepare a written statement if you’d like to express your concerns.