Come share with your neighbors the premier showing of a newly released, independent documentary about Floyd County’s precious water resources. The film titled “To the Last Drop” was created and filmed right here in Floyd, starring some of our local water experts. Fred First, Mark Sowers, Jeff Walker, Mark Grim, Lydeanna Martin, Dennis Dove and Jane Cundiff star in the movie and Bernie Coveney did the music. Professional videographers from Virginia Tech, Chris Risch and Grazia Apolinares produced this poignant movie that is not only educational but visually and emotionally inspirational.
This premier showing will be presented for FREE at the Floyd EcoVillage on September 14 at 4:00. The event is being arranged and supported by Partnership for Floyd with hopes of getting good community involvement in preserving our streams, wetlands, and wells that are the source of life here in Floyd County.
Lydeana Martin will introduce the documentary with pertinent and useful details about Floyd’s water supply. After the movie there will be a question and answer panel discussion with our local experts.
Local songwriters Michael and Kari Kovick, and Erica Joy Rising will perform for us.
Representatives from Citizens Preserving Floyd County will also be available to respond to questions about the proposed gas pipeline through our county and to describe how our water and wetlands could be affected.
Information tables and handouts in the lobby will be available for those who want to learn more. Floyd fresh water, popcorn, art displays and good conversation will be enjoyed, all for free.
Bring your neighbors, friends, school-age children and your questions. Join together for this community event to protect our precious, shared water resources in Floyd County.
Local artists are invited to share their works related to water. Bring your paintings, crafts and photographs or have your children display their best water art for all to enjoy.
Please email Jane Cundiff at PartnershipForFloyd@gmail.